


SKDS Version differences


  • If an (old) .SKD-File contains any access restriction parameters, it cannot be read from a SKDS- Version < 2
  • In Version 4 the file format has completely changed, and there are incompatible to previous versions.
  • Prior to version 4, two files (*.sd1 & *.skd) were needed at once, since V4 both files are combined into one .scs- file


  • On ISO9141 the normal Modul- and Tester-Ids are from $00 to $7F, on CAN it goes from $700 to $7FF, but for compatibility reasons the Ids in the scripts also go from $00 to $FF and the Offset of $700 is automatically added by SKDS itself.


  • The format of the sent and received byte array t[] is slightly different. For details, see telegrams
  • On the ISO9141-version the Diagnose()- Command sends a Request-Diagnostic-State- Telegram at the beginning, then regular tester-present-telegrams and a Request-Operational-State-telegram at the end.
  • The CAN-Version only sends regular Request-Parameter-by-PID-msgs to keep the link alive, so the script itself has to make the other mode-changes with separate telegrams.


  • The ISO9141-Version needs a free COM-Port
  • the CAN-Version needs an installed CanCardX system (at least a supported CAN-Device, the related device driver and the canlibd.dll Version >= 2.7)


For the ISO9141 the preferences are

  • the Com-Port (1..4) can be selected, which the SKDS-Converter is connected to
  • and the Editor can be selected, which should be used for editing the script-files

For the CAN-System the preferences are

  • the bus-speed can be switched between 500 and 125kbaud
  • the bus-timing parameters can be set

Version log

  • 1→2.0 Can-bus instead of serial line
  • 2.0→2.1 reworked can-interface to supply canlibrary>2.7
  • 2.1→2.2 new commands: Upload, Download, WriteDataByLocalId, ReadDataByLocalId, KeyMatchTo
  • 2.2→2.5 new command: md5sum
  • 2.5→3.0 UDS implemented, Skype connectivity, tons of minor improvements
  • 3.x→4.0 deletion of dongle dependency, RSA encryption, released as freeware
skdsdocu/versions.txt · Zuletzt geändert: 2010/07/24 16:13 von