SQL- Tricks
Schlüssel- Fehler
Error Msg = ORA-02291: Integritäts-Constraint () verletzt - übergeordneter Schlüssel nicht gefunden:
SELECT * FROM user_cons_columns WHERE TABLE_NAME = '<your table name>';
SELECT * FROM user_constraints WHERE TABLE_NAME = '<your table name>' AND constraint_name = '<your constraint name>';
oder auch https://stackoverflow.com/questions/11868758/find-parent-key-in-a-constraint
For the parent table:
SELECT * FROM all_constraints WHERE constraint_name IN ( SELECT R_CONSTRAINT_NAME FROM all_constraints WHERE constraint_name = 'ADS_JOB_FAMILIES_F03');
For the parent column:
SELECT * FROM all_cons_columns WHERE constraint_name IN ( SELECT constraint_name FROM all_constraints WHERE constraint_name IN ( SELECT R_CONSTRAINT_NAME FROM all_constraints WHERE constraint_name = 'ADS_JOB_FAMILIES_F03'));
pc/sqltricks.txt · Zuletzt geändert: 2022/05/25 12:13 von admin