How to script Skype
Also zuerst brauchst Du den Script- Treiber für Skype
http://www.saveontelephonebills.com/skype/skypebeta/Skype4COM.msi (basierend auf http://community.skype.com/t5/Desktop-API-former-Public-API/Cannot-use-Skype4Com-in-any-way-after-recent-update/m-p/89028#M501)
Nach der Installation speicherst Du dieses Script als SkypeCall.vbs
'// Create a Skype object: Set oSkype = WScript.CreateObject("Skype4COM.Skype", "Skype_") '// Place a call using this Skype object: Set oCall = oSkype.PlaceCall("echo123") '// To place a call on hold: oCall.Hold '// To resume a call that was on hold: oCall.Resume '// To end a call: oCall.Finish '// Call status events: Public Sub Skype_CallStatus(ByRef oCall, ByVal Status) End Sub
Wenn Du dann das Script per Doppelklick startest, sollte Skype wählen, den Anruf auf Warteschleife legen und dann auflegen.
Und noch einer: Ändern des Mood Textes mit der Möglichkeit, Direkt in HTML zu schreiben:
' _____________________________ ' © 2007 Hard Bo ' http://simpleeffective.blogspot.com/ ' _____________________________ '// Getting modd text: SkypeMoodText = InputBox("Mood text:","Change Skype mood text","Follow me on <a href=""https://plus.google.com/u/0/105787481978534498406/posts"">Google Plus</a>") '============================================================================================================================= if SkypeMoodText<>"" then '// Create a Skype4COM object: Set oSkype = WScript.CreateObject("Skype4COM.Skype","Skype_") '// Start the Skype client: If Not oSkype.Client.IsRunning Then oSkype.Client.Start() End If '// Connect to the Skype API: oSkype.Attach '//Sending Command oSkype.SendCommand(oSkype.Command(0, "SET PROFILE RICH_MOOD_TEXT " + SkypeMoodText)) WScript.Sleep(1000) End if '// The AttachmentStatus event handler monitors attachment status and automatically attempts to reattach to the API following loss of connection: Public Sub Skype_AttachmentStatus(ByVal aStatus) WScript.Echo "Result: " & oSkype.Convert.AttachmentStatusToText(aStatus) If aStatus = oSkype.Convert.TextToAttachmentStatus("AVAILABLE") Then oSkype.Attach() End If End Sub
pc/skypevbs.txt · Zuletzt geändert: 2011/12/12 15:51 von admin