
Multi-Analog Output with a Raspberry Pico

Out of the need for an unexpensive Multi- Analog- Output Board this idea came up:

A Raspi Pico receives a serial string via serial line and transfers the numeric values to Microchip MCP4802, which are connected in parallel to an SPI bus with multiple CS (Chip Select) signals.

This as a proof of concept to mayby later cascade these Picos like neopixels with a serial chain connection protocol.


The pico is set up as descripted in USB Keyboard and Gamepad Emulation for an old analog Joystick

The Software

import sys
import time
import board
import busio
import digitalio
from adafruit_bus_device.spi_device import SPIDevice
# list of available chip select signals
# define the conversion values to write values to outputs
# value max , output mask multiplier, output mask flags, byte size, endian coding
output_channels =[
    {'max':0xFF , 'mult':16 , 'flags' : 0x1000 , 'size' : 2 , 'endian' : 'big' },
    {'max':0xFF , 'mult':16 , 'flags' : 0x9000 , 'size' : 2 , 'endian' : 'big' }
chip_selects=list(map(lambda port: digitalio.DigitalInOut(port), chip_select_ports)) # assessing the cs ports
with busio.SPI(board.GP10, MOSI=board.GP11) as spi_bus:
    devices = list(map(lambda cs: SPIDevice(spi_bus, cs), chip_selects)) # assessing the cs ports
    print('Start- please remember that the first input line can contain garbage...')
    for line in sys.stdin:
        for device in devices:
            for channel in output_channels:
                value_counter += 1
                if value_counter>= len(values):
                this_val=values[ value_counter ].strip()
                    val_out = int( this_val ) 
                    val_out  &= channel['max'] # mask out everything > max
                bytes_out = (channel['flags'] | (val_out * channel['mult'] ) ).to_bytes(channel['size'],channel['endian']) 
                # The object assigned to spi in the with statements below
                # is the original spi_bus object. We are using the busio.SPI
                # operations busio.SPI.readinto() and busio.SPI.write().
                #bytes_read = bytearray(4)
                #with device as spi:
                #    spi.readinto(bytes_read)
                with device as spi:
                    print('send', ''.join('{:02x}'.format(x) for x in bytes_out), val_out)

The Hardware

FIXME: Where is the schematics?