Günstig auf'm Flohmarkt geschossen, habe ich nun eine absolute NoName- LEDBadge als Ansteck- Objekt. Aus reinem Forscherdrang hab ich mal herausgefieselt, wie das Ding zu programmieren ist:
Das Datenpacket ist folgendermaßen
Ein kurzer Header, gefolgt von einem 0-Byte
dann 8 Bytes, die die „Schriftart“ definieren. Die unteren 4 Bits geben den Effekt:
Wert | Effekt |
0 | Left |
1 | Right |
2 | up |
3 | down |
4 | freeze |
Ist Bit 3 (=8) gesetzt, blinkt die Anzeige (Flash)
Die oberen 4 Bits geben die Scrollgeschwindigkeit (0..7)
dann kommt ein Byte 0x03
dann 6 leere Bytes (0x00)
dann werden 11 Blöcke geschrieben, die letzten 3 sind immer leer (gefüllt mit 0x00)
vor jedem Block wird 3 Sekunden Pause gemacht
Jeder Block ist 256 Bytes lang, gefüllt mit 0x00, ausser dem Text natürlich. Dieser hat normalen ISO-89xx- Dingsbums-Western-Europe- Zeichensatz, ausser den Zeichen 0x41- 0x60: Hier wird (wahrscheinlich zu Kompatibilität zu alten Geräten) immer 0x40 abgezogen, A (0x41) wird also zu 0x01
Und falls mal sowas mal selber programmieren will, ein Beisiel (zumindestens zum Öffnen des seriellen Ports) gabs unter http://home.ircnet.de/cru/ledticker/ von Veit Wahlich
#!/usr/bin/perl # LED Ticker 1.1.1 (C)2005 Veit Wahlich <cru@zodia.de> # Released under the terms of the GNU Public License, version 2 (GPLv2) use strict; use warnings; use IO::File; use POSIX; # Default configuration my $conf={ version => '1.1.1', port => '/dev/ttyS0', # i.e. '/dev/ttyS0' speed => 2, # range is 0..4 sign_id => 0, # range is 0..255, 0 is default page => 'B', # either page 'A' or 'B', defaults to 'B' mode => 'text', # operation mode defaults to text output noflash => 0, # noflash mode, defaults to 0 nf_delay => 25000 # microseconds to wait on noflash }; sub main{ my $fd; my $err=0; my $text; parseArgs() || do{ showUsage(); exit(1); }; if($conf->{mode} eq 'text' && exists($ARGV[0]) && defined($ARGV[0])){ $text=constructText($ARGV[0],$conf->{speed},$conf->{sign_id},$conf->{page}); } elsif($conf->{mode} eq 'timesync'){ $text=constructTimesync($conf->{sign_id},localtime(time)); } elsif($conf->{mode} eq 'setid' && exists($ARGV[0]) && defined($ARGV[0])){ $text=constructSetID($ARGV[0]); } else{ showUsage(); exit(1); } if(-c $conf->{port}){ if(defined($text)){ if($conf->{noflash}){ # require module here instead of using it above, so there is no forced # dependency when not using this feature require Time::HiRes; sendString(constructText("",$conf->{speed},$conf->{sign_id},$conf->{page})); Time::HiRes::usleep($conf->{nf_delay}); } sendString($text); } else{ showUsage(); exit(1); } } else{ die($conf->{port}.' is no character device!'."\n"); } } # parseArgs() # Parse the command line arguments and set config settings # sub parseArgs{ my $arg; if(@ARGV == 0){ return(0); } while(@ARGV > 1){ $arg=shift(@ARGV); if($arg eq '-d'){ $conf->{port}=shift(@ARGV) || return(0); } elsif($arg eq '-s'){ $arg=shift(@ARGV); if(defined($arg) && $arg=~/^[0-4]$/){ $conf->{speed}=$arg; } else{ return(0); } } elsif($arg eq '-i'){ $arg=shift(@ARGV); if(defined($arg) && $arg=~/^[0-9]+$/ && $arg >= 0 && $arg <= 255){ $conf->{sign_id}=$arg; } else{ return(0); } } elsif($arg eq '-p'){ $arg=shift(@ARGV); if(defined($arg) && $arg=~/^(A|B)$/i){ $conf->{page}=uc($arg); } else{ return(0); } } elsif($arg eq '-m'){ $arg=shift(@ARGV); if(defined($arg) && $arg=~/^(text|timesync|setid)$/){ $conf->{mode}=$arg; } else{ return(0); } } elsif($arg eq '-f'){ $conf->{noflash}=1; } else{ print(STDERR 'Unknown option: '.$arg."\n"); return(0); } } return(1); } # sendString($string) # Sends a control string to the LED ticker device # # Parameters: # $string : string to send to the device # sub sendString{ my($string)=@_; my $fd; return(undef) unless(defined($string)); $fd=new IO::File($conf->{port},'w') || die('Error opening port '.$conf->{port}.': '.$!."\n"); print($fd $string); $fd->close; return(1); } # $string=constructText($text,$speed,$sign_id,$page) # Builds a text transfer control string for the LED ticker # # Parameters: # $text : a text string that shall be displayed, max. 420 characters # for page B, 80 chars for page A (reserved for logos) # $speed : scroll speed, integer 0..4 # $sign_id : the LED ticker's ID, integer 0..255 # $page : page to programm, either 'A' or 'B' # # Returns: # $string : the control string ready to be sent to device # sub constructText{ my($text,$speed,$sign_id,$page)=@_; my $string; return(undef) unless(defined($text) && defined($speed) && defined($sign_id) && defined($page)); $text=convertTextIso8859_15($text); # <E> is a reserved sequence - replacing it by <e> $text=~s/\<E\>/\<e\>/g; if($page eq 'A'){ $text=substr($text,0,80); } elsif($page eq 'B'){ $text=substr($text,0,420); } else{ return(undef); } $string='<L1><P'.$page.'><FE><M'.chr(69-($speed % 5)).'><WC><FE>'.$text; $string=sprintf('<ID%02x>',($sign_id % 256)).$string.sprintf('%02x',checksum($string)).'<E>'; return($string); } # $string=constructTimesync($sign_id,@localtime) # Builds a time/date sync control string # # Parameters: # @localtime : array in @array=localtime format # # Returns: # $string : the control string ready to be sent to device # sub constructTimesync{ my($sign_id,@time)=@_; my $string='<SC>'.strftime('%y',@time).sprintf('%02d',strftime('%u',@time) % 7 + 1).strftime('%m%d%H%M%S',@time); $string=sprintf('<ID%02x>',($sign_id % 256)).$string.sprintf('%02x',checksum($string)).'<E>'; return($string); } # $string=constructSetID($new_id) # Builds a string that (re)sets the device's ID to a new one # # Parameters: # $new_id : ID to set device to, integer 0..255 # # Returns: # $string : the control string ready to be sent to device # sub constructSetID{ my($new_id)=@_; return(sprintf('<ID><%02x><E>',$new_id)); } # $value=checksum($string) # Calculates a string's checksum # # Parameters: # $string : string to checksum # # Returns: # $value : checksum, integer 0..255 # sub checksum{ my($string)=@_; return(undef) unless(defined($string)); my $value=0; my $i; for($i=0; $i < length($string); $i++){ $value=$value^ord(substr($string,$i,1)); } return($value); } # $out=convertTextIso8859_15($in) # Converts a ISO8859-15 string to the device's equivalent charset. # Also replaces newline/return by spaces. # # Parameters: # $in : ISO8859-15 input string # # Returns: # $out : string in device's charset # sub convertTextIso8859_15{ my($in)=@_; my $out=''; my $i; my $char; my $table={ # device does not support newlines: 0x0A => 0x20, 0x0D => 0x20, # lots of umlauts and other special characters: 0xC3 => 0x7F, 0xC2 => 0x80, 0xC1 => 0x81, 0xC0 => 0x82, 0xC4 => 0x83, 0xC5 => 0x84, 0xC6 => 0x85, 0xDF => 0x86, 0xC7 => 0x87, 0xD0 => 0x88, 0xC9 => 0x89, 0xCA => 0x8A, 0xC8 => 0x8B, 0xCB => 0x8C, 0xCD => 0x8D, 0xCC => 0x8E, 0xCE => 0x8F, 0xCF => 0x90, 0xD1 => 0x91, 0xD3 => 0x92, 0xD4 => 0x93, 0xD2 => 0x94, 0xD6 => 0x95, 0xD5 => 0x96, 0xD8 => 0x97, 0xDE => 0x98, 0xDA => 0x99, 0xD9 => 0x9A, 0xDB => 0x9B, 0xDC => 0x9C, 0xBE => 0x9D, 0xDD => 0x9E, 0xE3 => 0x9F, 0xE2 => 0xA0, 0xE1 => 0xA1, 0xE0 => 0xA2, 0xE4 => 0xA3, 0xE5 => 0xA4, 0xE6 => 0xA5, 0xE7 => 0xA6, 0xE9 => 0xA7, 0xEA => 0xA8, 0xE8 => 0xA9, 0xEB => 0xAA, 0xED => 0xAB, 0xEC => 0xAC, 0xEE => 0xAD, 0xEF => 0xAE, 0xF1 => 0xAF, 0xF3 => 0xB0, 0xF4 => 0xB1, 0xF2 => 0xB2, 0xF6 => 0xB3, 0xF5 => 0xB4, 0xF8 => 0xB5, 0xFE => 0xB6, 0xFA => 0xB7, 0xF9 => 0xB8, 0xFB => 0xB9, 0xFC => 0xBA, 0xFF => 0xBB, 0xFD => 0xBC, 0xA5 => 0xBD, 0xA3 => 0xBE, 0xA4 => 0xBF }; return(undef) unless(defined($in)); for($i=0; $i < length($in); $i++){ $char=substr($in,$i,1); if(exists($table->{ord($char)})){ $out.=chr($table->{ord($char)}); } else{ $out.=$char; } } return($out); } # showUsage() # Print usage info to STDOUT # sub showUsage{ print(<<__END); LED Ticker $conf->{version} (C)2005 Veit Wahlich <cru\@zodia.de> Syntax: $0 [OPTIONS] { [-m text] <text> | -m timesync | -m setid <id> } Commands: [-m text] <text> Send new text to the LED ticker ("-m text" is optional) -m timesync Synchronize the ticker with your system clock -m setid <id> Set the device ID of the ticker to <id>. Use with caution! Options [defaults]: -d <device> The serial port the ticker is connected to [$conf->{port}] -s <speed> Ticker scroll speed; 0..4 [$conf->{speed}] -i <id> ID of the ticker to address; 0..255 [$conf->{sign_id}] -p <page> Ticker page to programm; A (reserved) or B [$conf->{page}] -f Insert short delay to reduce flashing when programming text Note: Maximum text length is 420 characters for page B and 80 characters for page A. Oversized text will be truncated. Special characters, German umlauts, etc. are converted from ISO 8859-15 input. __END } main(); 1;
Und das war's auch schon